Pengelolaan Rencana Pembelajaran Semester Daring Berbasis Ruang Belajar Model Flipped Learning Mata Kuliah Biokonservasi

  • Ospa Pea Yuanita Meishanti1 Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
  • Ino Angga Putra Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah
Keywords: Management, Online Learning RPS, flipped learning


Pandemic Covid-19 received a lot that was intended for teachers and lecturers in learning students, where students were interviewed to study at home so learning is done through online learning. The lack of readiness of the teaching towards the existence of online learning from all the challenges that exist among other networks, internet quotas, or debates with students in the online learning process. The purpose of this study is to design learning through online semester learning planning based on learning space models for flipped learning in bioconservation courses. The method used is the development of a learning plan in which the researcher designs an online learning design (instructional designer), which in a revised arrangement with the media experts in a group discussion forum. The results in this study are a online learning plan based on learning space turning flipped learning, among others through Google classroom, WhatsApp, zoom. It is hoped that with the fact this article can be used for teachers or lecturers in planning online learning designs.

