Manajemen Pendidikan Karakter Melalui Gerakan Literasi Nasional

  • Layli Hidayah Universitas Islam Malang
  • Ganjar Setyo Widodo Universitas Islam Malang
Keywords: character education, literacy, school literacy movement, community-based reading center


Literacy is an essential character value ​​that needs to be instilled and owned by the community. However, one fundamental problem in society is the low level of literacy, even the context of education at schools. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of literacy at schools and in the community as an effort to manage character education. This is a case study involving several private schools and neighborhoods (RW) in the City of Surabaya. Data were delivered in a descriptive qualitative manner. The results showed that in the context of education, the implementation of the School Literacy Movement (GLS) in schools is still in the habituation stage, not yet in the literature learning phase as an ideal stage. In the community environment, literacy culture through the Community-based Reading Center (TBM) is also still considered low as not many people have enthusiasm to visit TBM. Revitalization efforts are needed as a form of character education management in the community through the national literacy movement.
