Proceedings of The International Conference on Psychology and Education <p>The Proceedings of The International Conference on Psychology and Education (ICPE) is an international conference proceeding from the International Conference on Psychology and Education which held annually by Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia. The Proceedings of ICPE publishes articles in the psychology, education, and relevant disciplines.&nbsp;&nbsp;This proceeding aims to be a medium for academics from Psychology and Educational Science background to disseminate the most recent ideas on the field.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Cover Page <p>The 1<sup>st</sup> International Conference on Psychology and Education (ICPE) was held virtually via Zoom Meeting on October 12<sup>th</sup>, 2022. This international conference is a breakthrough pioneer in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya to initiate scientific contribution to the academic world. This conference aims to be a medium for academics from Psychology and Educational Science background to discuss and exchange the most recent ideas on the field.</p> Vania Ardelia ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 29 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Case Study Psychological State of Paranoid Schizophrenia Mental Disorder Patients at RSJ X Jakarta <p>Schizophrenia is a psychological disorder characterized by thought processes that are separated from reality, causing individuals to have a chaotic and frightening world. One type of schizophrenia that is often encountered in Indonesia is paranoid schizophrenia characterized by sufferers who often experience auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, various types of delusions or delusions accompanied by feelings of fear and anxiety. In the research method used is a case study with a qualitative approach. The assessment techniques used are participant observation or direct involvement in the subject's life during daycare rehabilitation, semi-structured interviews with patients and significant others (SO) and psychological tests (HTP, BAUM and DAM). The research subject is a male patient with the initials WH aged 37 years who has experienced history of relapes 8 times. The results showed that there were two factors causing the symptoms of schizophrenia in the subject, namely internal and external factors. The results of the study also analyzed the subject's psychological disorders based on Alfred Adler's parenting theory regarding being pampered or pampered which influenced the emergence of neurotic disorders in the subject. Based on the research, it can be explained that adherence to taking medication, supervision of the family environment and the institution is very influential on the subject's recovery during the treatment period.</p> Inocencia Vivinca Arhadita, Nanda Audia Vrisaba ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 29 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Description of Work Motivation of The Management of HMJ Islamic Psychology UIN Antasari Banjarmasin During Pandemic <p>The pandemic has had an impact on system changes in the organization, thus creating its own challenges for the management. To face this challenge, work motivation is needed by each individual who joins the HMJ Islamic Psychology organization to achieve a common goal until the end. The purpose of this study, among others, is to find out a description of the work motivation of administrators who continue to carry out activities during the pandemic. The method used is descriptive qualitative approach and data collection techniques using unstructured interview techniques. The results of the study showed that the work motivation of the HMJ Islamic Psychology board was still in the good category even though they were active during the pandemic.</p> Yulia Wahyu Anggraeni, Selma Jasmine Lubuk, Indah Fatriana, Abdul Jalil, Shanty Komalasari, Ceria Hermina ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 29 Nov 2022 04:21:19 +0000 Coach-Athlete Relationship and Grit on Athletes with Disabilities <p>This study was conducted to examine the correlation between the coach-athlete relationship and grit in athletes with disabilities. An overview of the coach athlete relationship using the CART-Q (Jowett and Ntoumanis, 2004) and grit using the Grit Scale (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews and Kelly, 2007). Research participants consisted of 38 athletes with disabilities aged 16-48 years and were selected by purposive sampling technique. The results showed that there was a significant correlation r= 0.455 between the coach-athlete relationship and grit in athletes with disabilities. This Study are expected to be an evaluation of athletes, coaches and all National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia (NPCI) administrators to pay more attention to the quality of good relationships between coaches and athletes, while maintaining enthusiasm and perseverance in training and regular long-term matches in order to maintain sports achievements.</p> Andre Genta Senjaya, Charyna Ayu Rizkyanti, Andi Tenri Faradiba ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 29 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Disability Sports as a Psychological Well-Being Intervention Tool for Persons with Disabilities <p>The purpose of this study was to find out the role of disability sports on the psychological well-being of persons with disabilities. The research method uses a literature review by searching the selected keywords, namely "Disability Sports", "Psychological Well-being", and "Self-esteem". From the research that has been done, it can be concluded that sports with disabilities can improve and maintain physical and mental health, with physical and mental development, self-esteem will increase. Disability sports also motivate people with disabilities to be able to actualize themselves in all existing limitations so that psychological well-being can be achieved.</p> Dyah Permatasari, Mayang Ayu Angelita Sari, Reza Asep Adi Purnomo ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 29 Nov 2022 04:35:19 +0000 An Overview of Attractive Marketing Content on Tiktok App Users <p>Content marketing is one of the media or marketing strategies to share content containing persuasive information about a product with consumers. The purpose of this study is to examine how marketing content is attractive to users of one of the most popular applications in use, namely Tiktok. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach, namely case studies and analyzed by thematic analysis to specifically identify patterns from the available data sets through the depiction of patterns from the content marketing phenomenon on Tiktok. Data collection was done by interview, observation, and FGD. The participants of this study were 10 people, with the criteria of having an interest in marketing content and making product purchases on Tiktok. From the results of data analysis, the authors found that users of the Tik Tok application had an interest in the marketing content presented. In an effort to improve marketing strategy, producers need to pay attention to supporting factors such as presenting attractive marketing content by paying attention to the aspect of observing marketing content, contributing factors, and decision making by consumers.</p> Nabila Athifa Wediana, Firosa Amalia Zain, Cindy Trisna Anggraini ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 29 Nov 2022 04:24:46 +0000 Speech Delay Intervention through Milieu Teaching Approach in Reading and Singing Activities: A Single-Case Study <p>This study aims to provide interventions to parents about understanding milieu teaching methods in reading and singing activities, as well as encouraging the child to produce new vocabulary. Participants in this study were one boy aged 2 years and 5 months who was diagnosed with speech delay and his parent. This research design is a case study with psychoeducational for subjects. The intervention design was carried out in three stages, baseline, psychoeducational, and maintain. As a result, this study has succeeded in providing parents with an understanding of milieu teaching approach technique in reading and singing activities. This implies that the approach is appropriately applied for the parents in this study. On the other hand, by the end of the intervention session, the subject had not been able to produce words. Several factors such as physical condition, environment, and time management, influence the intervention in this case. Intervention results will reach the maximum and comprehensive point if carried out consistently and continuously.</p> Roisatul Hidayah, Raden Roro Anisa Anggi Dinda, Melisa Melisa, Elga Andriana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 29 Nov 2022 04:25:38 +0000 The Influence of Economic Status and Resilience on Family Caregiver’s Anxiety of Schizophrenia Patients during Covid 19 Pandemic at Plosoklaten Comunity Health Center Kediri <p>This study aims to provide interventions to parents about understanding milieu teaching methods in reading and singing activities, as well as encouraging the child to produce new vocabulary. Participants in this study were one boy aged 2 years and 5 months who was diagnosed with speech delay and his parent. This research design is a case study with psychoeducational for subjects. The intervention design was carried out in three stages, baseline, psychoeducational, and maintain. As a result, this study has succeeded in providing parents with an understanding of milieu teaching approach technique in reading and singing activities. This implies that the approach is appropriately applied for the parents in this study. On the other hand, by the end of the intervention session, the subject had not been able to produce words. Several factors such as physical condition, environment, and time management, influence the intervention in this case. Intervention results will reach the maximum and comprehensive point if carried out consistently and continuously.</p> Dhenok Sekarningrum, Tatik Imadatus Sa'adati, Nur Aziz Afandi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 29 Nov 2022 04:26:31 +0000 The Experience of Patient Alcohol Addictions in Cognitive Behavior Therapy <p>Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) was behavior modification techniques and changing maladaptive beliefs. This study aims to obtain a comprehensive picture of the application of Cognitive Behavior Therapy in helping individuals overcome alcohol addiction. This study uses a study case qualitative research method. The study patient was an alcoholic during 23 year. Data collection was done by triangulation method, namely in-depth interviews (depth interviews) face to face with observations and interview. The research procedure was carried out in three stages, namely the research preparation stage, the research implementation stage, and finally the research result evaluation stage. The results of the study showed that the application of Cognitive Behavior Therapy to individuals who experienced alcohol addiction showed significant changes in patient cognition, emotion and behavior. Through cognitive restructuring techniques, patient distorted cognitions become more rational. Patient were able to manage a good lifestyle, were independent in their work, respect the people around them. Changes in cognition in patient led to reduced alcohol consumption behavior.</p> Arif Dwi Cahyono ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 29 Nov 2022 04:27:28 +0000 Work Stress in Islam <p>Stress is a negative reaction that may occur in an individual due to the burden due to a large number of demands, constraints or opportunities, this study uses literature data and documentation or literal studies. Literature data that in some cases will be combined with existing reference sources. Work stress is a root or work stressor that results in individual reactions such as physiological, psychological, and behavioral. In conclusion from work stress in Islam, stress is a form of a dirty heart because of sins committed by man himself. The way to manage is to draw closer to Allah Almighty. namely by reading the Qur'an, thinking and praying in accordance with the sunnah taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.</p> Anida Yuliani, Maulida Maulida, Muhammad Rolly Fadlani, Maulida Ariani, Shanty Komalasari, Ceria Hermina ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 29 Nov 2022 04:28:27 +0000 Emotional Regulation Among Athletes with Disabilities <p>People with disabilities often find it difficult to achieve emotional balance, especially those who become professional athletes. This study aims to discuss the regulation of emotions in athletes with disabilities in East Java. This research approach uses a quantitative descriptive method. The population in this study were athletes with disabilities NPCI East Java with a total of 69 people with an age range of 14-57 years and gender as many as 56 men and 13 women. To obtain data, this study used Gross and Thompson's (2007) emotional regulation scale. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics presented in tabular form. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that out of 69 athletes with disabilities, there were 19 people with a low level of emotional regulation, 49 people with a moderate level of emotional regulation, and 1 person with a high level of regulation.</p> Rafinaxa Fathir Arisislam, Eva Nandha Jalma Yael, Endang Lestari, Maya Nisaul Magfiroh, Miftakhul Jannah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 29 Nov 2022 04:29:22 +0000 Spiritual Welfare in Elderly Al-Hikam Review Contributors at Al Ukhuwah Mosque Surabaya <p>Spiritual well-being is a sense of harmony and closeness between oneself with others, nature and with the highest life. The purpose of this study is first to describe the spiritual well-being of the elderly, secondly to see how big the role of al-Hikam recitation is in improving the spiritual well-being of the elderly congregation. The subject of this research is the congregation of Al-Hikam recitation of Al-Ukhuwah Bendul Merisi Mosque. The research method used is qualitative with an intrinsic case study approach. The method of collecting is through interviews and observation. The results of spiritual welfare research with four aspects, namely indicating the harmony of the four dimensions in spiritual well-being that will bring happiness and harmony to individuals. Respondents can be said to be someone who has achieved spiritual well-being on the basis of relationships between the four domains that are well established as components of total and complete spiritual well-being. Elderly pilgrims can reduce all mental disorders that they feel as a process of entering old age. Disorders in the elderly generally are anxiety, anxiety, stress, because they feel no longer productive, reduced social and in the face of death. Good spiritual well-being can stem the disturbance that is present in the congregation. Through the study of the Al-Hikam book, elderly congregations can fix and improve spiritual welfare. So that the mentality of the elderly congregation is getting healthier and awake normally.</p> Ahmad Khoirudin, Suryanto Suryanto, Dyan Evita Santi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 29 Nov 2022 04:30:19 +0000 Conflict Management Resolution in Organization <p>Each human life journey cannot be separated from problems. The problems faced are increasingly growing and complex. Few individuals who experience problems will feel pressure within themselves, leading to stress. One of the problems that we often encounter in the reality of life is the existence of conflict in an organization. It cannot be denied that the large number of individuals who gather in a shelter has the potential to cause mild conflicts to even serious ones, which can be caused by two factors, internal and external. Leaders, members, and the surrounding ranks will likely experience a conflict. If conflicts that occur in organizations are not managed properly, these conflicts can disrupt the organization's running. If the conflict cannot be resolved, then the problem will become more serious. Therefore, every organization must be able to manage conflict management. Implementing conflict management is to build and maintain unity within the organization. Improve the ability to resolve conflicts and examine the gaps that exist in the organization.</p> Angger Sulistyarini, Khairun Najwah, Lathifah Fathimah, Nuriana Sari, Shanty Komalasari, Ceria Hermina ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 29 Nov 2022 04:31:16 +0000 Ideal Leader According to The Quran <p>Leaders are people who act and are involved in change. Humans are creatures that will continue to experience the difference. The passage of time makes humans think every day. Becoming a leader seems to be an absolute thing that humans must pass. The Islamic religion has designed all the references that can guide humans to live life, that is, the Qur'an. All instructions are listed and neatly arranged, including how to become a leader and how to lead. This article will contain about the ideal leader according to the Qur'an, which will explicitly explain one of the verses related to the leader, which is QS Al-Maidah (5): 57. The ideal leader according to the Qur'an is very important to be talked over because topics related to being a leader will not stop being discussed. Humans will always experience regeneration where each generation will become a leader, even in the smallest scope, leading himself. This journal uses the literature study method, where the explanations and materials needed to complete the journal are contained in journals, books, or other sources.</p> Muhammad Bahriannor, Nur Hana, Rahima Raihan Sya'bana, Rida Wati, Sri Wahyuni, Shanty Komalasari, Ceria Hermina ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 29 Nov 2022 04:32:10 +0000 Automatically Minded: A Research of Motor And Shared Intention <p>A purposive account of action must draw to propositional attitude states like intentions, beliefs, and desires as well as to motor representations, i.e., non-propositional forms that denote, among other things, action outcomes as specified kinematic features of bodily motions. It raises the puzzle of how these two distinct types of states successfully coordinate, especially in the automatic movements cases. By using a semi-systematic literature methodology, we examine this interface matter. First, we expand on the nature of intention and its functionality. Second, we characterize motor representations in explaining intentional action and raising the complex of automatic motions. The differences in representational format challenge the interface of theory. We argue that though the low-level motor lacks cognitively penetrable, it processes such perceptual abilities regarding knowledge-involving based on sensitivity. The notion is quite interesting when it's attached to the social realm. Consider one who 'reflexively' helps her neighbor by bringing her piano; after seeing that the neighbor is struggling enough to get it downstairs. The case goes to the issue of collective intentionality as the power of minds to be jointly directed at objects, states of affairs, matters of fact, values, or goals. The question is, what is the explanatory relevance of we-intentions? Is that possible that I have an alternative intention to the 'we' while still satisfying the we-intention? Should the intentions of 'I' and 'you' be deducible from the intentions of 'we'? In the last discussion, we suggest 'meaning' beside the self-referential as a hint for the case of collective intentionality.</p> Diah Febri Utami, Anjar Tri Wibowo, Muhammad Singgih Gumiwang ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 29 Nov 2022 04:32:59 +0000